This is a Work-in-Progress with production completed. The film is in Post-Production.

In 2015, filming began at a nursing home for dementia-only residents in  Bielefeld, Germany.

No one wants to lose memories, one’s mind or one’s identity. Dementia[i] reduces the performance of basic activities, such as self-knowledge, measuring time passage, and recalling one’s own name. In fact, 1 in 3 over age 65 will die with some form of dementia.[ii] The death rate from dementia has increased 55% in the last 15 years.[iii] Data projects a 281% increase by year 2050 globally.[iv]

[i] “Dementia refers not to a single disorder but to a number of syndromes characterized by diverse behavioral, cognitive, and emotional impairments. Because dementia is costly in terms of both personal suffering and economic loss, an understanding of its prevalence, risk factors, and potential interventions is emerging as an increasingly important facet of public health and health care delivery.” Chapman DP, Williams SM, Strine TW, Anda RF, Moore MJ., Dementia and Its Implications for Public Health, Prev Chronic Dis Apr 2006. Available from: URL:

[ii] G-8 Dementia Summit, Alzheimer’s Research, UK: Available URL:…/G-8-Dementia-Summit.pdf;

[iii] Center for Disease Control and Prevention, US Death Rates from Alzheimer’s Disease Increased 55 Percent from 1999 to 2014 (March 17, 2017):

[iv] Prince, M et al (2015). World Alzheimer’s Report 2015, The Global Impact of Dementia: An analysis of prevalence, incidence, cost and trends. Alzheimer’s Disease International.